Usability testing of new Auckland HEMS packs

By Dr Chris Denny, Auckland HEMS Medical Director


New packs for Auckland HEMS

In the early days of Auckland HEMS, we loosely ‘bolted on’ our equipment to the existing paramedic gear. As time passed and we forged a strong collaborative relationship with our paramedic colleagues, the performance gap in our gear required a solution. One year ago we held an ‘Ergonomic Equipment Exercise’, led by Dr. Samantha Bendall (on sabbatical from Sydney, NSW). From this evening of pack testing we learned to focus on integration. Several design concepts guided our work:

a) Functional coherence
b) Facilitation of communication
c) Facilitation of task accomplishment
d) Adaptable space
We are now testing our prototype packs.
This testing will move through three phases:
Phase I: ‘Kicking the tyres”
Phase II: Simulation-based usability testing (carrying the packs, winching the packs, airway tasks, vascular access tasks, splinting tasks,…)
Phase III: Live operational testing
Here is a valuable website:
ARHT paramedic Rob Gemmell winches with one of the packs

ARHT paramedic Rob Gemmell winches with one of the packs

We are very keen to learn from the HEMS community. What are other services using? What works? What is the future of PHARM medical equipment going to look like?

Please share your thoughts using the ‘comments’ section below, or theĀ  ‘contact’ button on the home page of this site.